This page has bits and pieces that you might find useful.
30 Ways to End a Solo Break!...
Below are links to three pages from a book that I borrowed years ago (over 30 years to be exact). When I had the book, I photocopied the pages (on an old school photocopier that still used that light sensitive paper type stuff). This section of the book was called "30 Ways to end a solo break".
If anyone can help me with the name of the book, I would love to buy a copy! And give due credit to the author here.
You can email me at markwardle4@gmail.com
Meanwhile - some years back I recorded some of the licks on these pages - it might help you to learn them and get them under your fingers!
So here they are - 30 ways to end a solo break...
Page 1.pdf | Page 2.pdf | Page 3.pdf
Here are recordings of some of those licks as .mp3's ...
Licks 1-8.mp3 | Licks 13-16.mp3 | Lick 17.mp3 | Lick 18.mp3 | Lick 20.mp3